Claire Seidler

Laurianne Martinez-Sève is professor of Greek history at the University of Lille since September 2007 and a member of the research laboratory HALMA / Histoire, Archéologie, Littérature des Mondes Anciens (CNRS / UMR 8164). She is currently director of ancient and Byzantine studies at the French School at Athens. Laurianne Martinez-Sève holds a doctorate in archaeology from the University of Paris 1 (1997) and is qualified to direct research by the University of Paris 10 Nanterre (2007). A specialist in the Hellenistic Orient, her research focuses on Iran and Central Asia. She is a member of the French-Uzbek Archaeological Mission of Sogdiana and participates in the publication of the ancient excavations of the city of Aï Khanoum (Afghanistan), more particularly that of the main sanctuary of the city. She is also studying the impact and legacy of Macedonian practices in the Seleucid kingdom, particularly from the point of view of urban planning.



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